Welcome to The King’s Academy, a unique hybrid private school located in the heart of Woodstock, GA. The King’s Academy is one of the largest private Christian schools in the metro Atlanta area, providing all the benefits of a private school education at a fraction of the cost. At TKA we are dedicated to parent-partnered, biblically-based, Christian education. We partner with the family as a whole and the local church to provide a firm foundation for spiritual, academic, and social success. Our hybrid program has two separate sessions. One session meets on Tuesdays and Fridays and the other session meets on Mondays and Wednesdays. Students learn in a classroom setting for two days and then complete assignments at home on the other 3 days with their satellite teacher (in most cases this is a parent). While this distinctive approach to Christian education may not work for everyone, it has proven to be not only effective, but an excellent choice for the hundreds of families who have partnered with us since 1999. Hybrid schools are also a growing educational movement across the entire globe.
Our school is named The KING'S Academy, and it bears the mark of God's powerful, unique, and creative work. II Corinthians 10:17 tells us, “Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord,” and we give Him all the glory for the remarkable growth, success and achievement we have experienced through the years.
To truly understand the heart behind The King’s Academy, you need to come and meet us. We invite you to review the materials provided on this website and then sign up for an informational session. See our Admissions page for more information. We hope to see you soon.