6th - 8th Grade
The King’s Academy’s middle school program, including sixth, seventh and eighth grade, aims to prepare students for their high school career. Middle school is a unique and sometimes awkward time in a student’s life when the culmination of peak physical, spiritual and emotional growth occurs. The staff of TKA works to integrate a relative amount of academic growth in addition to these other areas of significant growth. As middle school students transition from childhood to adulthood, the teachers as well as the administration of TKA, feel strongly that each student possesses God-given talents and abilities. Great care is taken to treat each student with respect--celebrating their individuality, requiring accountability, and encouraging each student to reach their maximum potential.
In keeping with our goal of preparing the middle school student for their high school career, TKA offers an increasingly more challenging academic regimen. Their study of foreign language continues through middle school with high school credit offered for Spanish 1 in 8th grade. Selected 7th grade students are given the opportunity to begin earning high school credit in Algebra 1, with the majority of our 8th grade students doing the same. Increased use of technology takes place during middle school, since these classes take advantage of more online instruction, prepared by the teacher to be used both inside and outside the classroom. Great emphasis is given to strengthening the middle school student’s study skills as well as utilizing their critical thinking skills.
Accentuating a middle school student’s education at TKA are various field trips and club activities. Students are also urged to excel in our eighth-grade science fair as well as TKA’s annual spelling bee.